Clinical Diagnosis of Diabetes Using Simulated Blood and Urine Lab Activity
One out of every 17 people in the U.S. is, or will become, diabetic in their lifetime. In this activity, students learn about the relationship between blood sugar and diabetes. They become aware of the symptoms, and various treatment of several types of diabetes. Students review several case studies and then analyze the WARD’S Simulated Blood and WARD’S Simulated Urine samples of these “patients,” looking for the characteristics of diabetes. After making determinations, students then suggest a treatment. The activity includes enough materials for six setups, a teacher’s guide, and student copymaster. Materials Included
100 Glucose test strips
12 Spot plates
6 Glucose comparator charts
4 Simulated urine samples (for initial testing)
4 Simulated urine samples (for final testing)
4 Simulated blood samples (for initial testing)
4 Simulated blood samples (for final testing)