Zoology slides
ZO0001 Frog lung, sec.
ZO0002 Fish spermary, c.s.
ZO0003 Fish tegument, c.s.
ZO0004 Frog tongue, c.s.
ZO0005 Frog egg, unicellular stage, sec
ZO0006 Frog egg, two cell stage, sec
ZO0007 Frog egg nonage splinter, sec.
ZO0008 Frog egg afternoon splinter, sec.
ZO0009 Nonage blastula of frog, sec.
ZO0010 Afternoon blastula of frog, sec.
ZO0011 Frog gastrula, early stage, sec.
ZO0012 Frog gastrula, afternoon, sec.
ZO0016 Frog embryo (3mm), w.m.
ZO0017 Frog embryo (3mm), continuously c.s.
ZO0018 Frog embryo (3mm), arrowy continuously, sec.
ZO0019 Frog embryo (5mm), w.m.
ZO0020 Frog embryo (5mm), arrowy continuously, sec.
ZO0021 Frog embryo (5mm), continuously c.s.
ZO0022 Frog embryo (7mm~9mm), arrowy uninterrupted, sec.
ZO0023 Frog embry (7mm~9mm), uninterrupted frontal plane, sec.
ZO0024 Frog embryo (10mm~11mm), continuously l.s.
ZO0025 Frog embryo (10mm~11mm), continuously c.s.
ZO0026 Frog embry (10mm~11mm), uninterrupted frontal plane, sec.
ZO0029 Blood plasmodium, swear
ZO0030 Blood trypanosome, swear
ZO0031 Euglena gracilis, w.m.
ZO0032 Paramecium, w.m.
ZO0033 Paramecia in fission, w.m.
ZO0034 Paramecia in conjugation, w.m.
ZO0036 Whole hydra, w.m.
ZO0037 Whole hydra budding, w.m.
ZO0038 Hydra, c.s.
ZO0039 Spermary of hydra, c.s.
ZO0040 Ovary of hydra, c.s.
ZO0041 Hydra, l.s.
ZO0042 Hydra (via gemma), l.s.
ZO0044 Spongilla, w.m.
ZO0048 Leech (showing digestive system), w.m.
ZO0049 Leech, l.s.
ZO0050 Leech, three part c. s.
ZO0051 Schistosoma japonicum ova, w.m.
ZO0053 Schistosoma japonicum cercaris, w.m.
ZO0054 Schistosoma japonicum male, w.m.
ZO0055 Schistosoma japonicum female, w.m.
ZO0056 Schistosoma japonicum adults in copula, w.m.
ZO0057 Armed tapeworm scolex, w.m.
ZO0059 Tapeworm, mature proglottid, w.m.
ZO0060 Taperworm, immaturity proglottid, w.m
ZO0061 Tapeworm gravid proglottid, w.m.
ZO0062 Tapeworm, sec.
ZO0063 Ascarid, male, l.s.
ZO0064 Ascarid, female, l.s.
ZO0065 Ascarid, male & female, l.s.
ZO0066 Ascarid egg, w.m.
ZO0068 Earthworm, c.s. (common structure)
ZO0069 Earthworm clitellum part, c.s.
ZO0070 Earthworm, l.s.
ZO0071 Water flea, w.m.
ZO0072 Mouth parts of honey bee, w.m.
ZO0073 Mouth parts of butterfly, w.m.
ZO0074 Wing of butterfly, w.m.
ZO0075 Antenna of butterfly, w.m.
ZO0076 Mouth parts of house fly, w.m. (female)
ZO0077 Mouth parts of house fly, w.m (male)
ZO0083 Tail of fish, sec.
ZO0085 Spermary of fish, l.s.
ZO0086 Hind leg of housefly, w.m.
ZO0087 Foot of housefly, w.m.
ZO0088 Wing of housefly, w.m
ZO0089 Feeler of honeybee, w.m.
ZO0090 Spermary of grasshopper, l.s.
ZO0091 Mouth parts of grasshopper, w.m.
ZO0092 drosophila, w.m.
ZO0093 Chromosomes in the salivary gland of drosophila,w.m
ZO0095 Antenna of five kinds of insect, w.m.
ZO0097 Insect compound eye, w.m.
ZO0098 Insect compound eye, sec.
ZO0102 Amphioxus, w.m.
ZO0103 Amphioxus pharynx, c.s.
ZO0104 Amphioxus sex gland, l.s.
ZO0105 Frog tegument, sec.
ZO0106 Frog tegument w. m. pigment cell
ZO0107 Frog small intestine, sec.
ZO0108 Animal miosis,sec.
ZO0112 Frog blood, smear
ZO0113 Frog lung, sec.
ZO0114 Frog tongue, l.s.
ZO0115 Frog liver, sec.
GD08 Fish blood, smear
GD09 Frog blastule, sec
GD10 Frog gastrular , sec
GD11 Frog early gastrula
GD16 Frog epidermic cell, sec
GD17 Frog spermatozoa, smear
GD19 Typical animal cell
ZP01 Ameoba w.m.
ZP17 Ameoba proteus, sec
ZP16 Mixed Protozoa, w.m.