Polarizing Microscope
Viewing Head: Sliding Binocular Head at 45°, 360°
Eyepiece: Eyepiece WF 10×/18.
Objective: Strain free Achromatic Objective
4×, 10×, 40×.
Nosepiece: Toward Quadruple Nosepiece.
Analyzer: Rotatable Analyzer with
Graduation 0 – 90°
Bertrand Lens: Bertrand Lens,
Sliding in/out of Optical Path.
Optical Compensator: λSlip (first class red), 1/4
λSlip, Quartz Wedge.
Revolving Round Stage: Diameterφ 135mm,
360° Rotatable and Graduated in 1° Increments,
Minimum Resolution 6’ when Using Venire Scale,
Center Adjustable
Condenser: Abbe Condenser with leis
Diaphragm & Filter
Polarizer: Sliding in/out of optical path, located on
the top of collector