Waterproof Pocket Pool Tester
The pocket pool testing kit measures the pH and ORP of your pool together with water temperature. pH is the first indicator of how well your pool water is balanced.
For most pools, the water will be balanced if the pH value is maintained within the recommended ranges of pH 7.2 – 7.6. ORP (Oxidation Reduction Potential) or Redox is used in pool water treatment as an indicator of the sanitising power of the available (Free) sanitiser (Chlorine). It is a reliable indicator of bacteriological water quality and is widely used in commercial pool control systems in conjunction with pH to control the pool water.
ORP is expressed in mV and in a pool with an ORP value of 600mV, the life of the E.Coli bacteria would be almost 2 minutes; at 650mV it would reduce to 30 seconds, while above 700mV the bacteria would be killed within a few seconds. Pool operators generally aim to maintain their pools with an ORP reading of around 750mV to ensure bacteria are killed as soon as they are introduced to the pool water.
Supplied free of charge with every pocket pool tester is a laminated look up chart
Simply take the pH and ORP of your pool and use the free test chart provided to read the Free Chlorine levels in your pool.