World Soil Types
World Soil Types19 groups from the UN world soil classification system.100 mL of
each air-dried and sieved.Acrisols: clay-rich, red; Andosols: pumice dust soil;Arenosol:
sand soil, little organic material; Cambisol: siltsoil, from flood plain; Calcisols: Soils with
accumulationof secondary calcium carbonates; Chernozem black earth;Cryosols: Soils
from tundra soil region, glacial till; Durisols:Soils with accumulation of secondary gypsum;
Ferralsol :bauxitic soil; Fluvisol: silt deposited by river/lake (gravel);Gleysol: gley mottled
clay; Gypsisols: gypsum rich soil;Histosol: peaty rich, organic soil; Leptosols: Very
shallowsoils over hard rock or in unconsolidated very gravellymaterial; Lithosol: mainly
parent material; Podsol;Nitisol: homogeneous clay-rich, kenyan highland type;Phaeozem:
black soil from a chalky parent material;Plinthosols: Wet soils with an irreversibly
hardeningmixture of iron, clay and quartz in the subsoil.